I’ll play three times during the mapping festival 2022 in Geneva (Switzerland).I also made an electro-botanical sound sculpture for the Art and History Museum.More info here :https://xaviergazon.com/oalco/
Artist/producer Jérôme Mayer contacted me for a spontaneus artistic collaboration with the argentinian artist Pablo Mendez on his new audiovisual label Wildweed productions. Music : Xavier Gazonstreaming : https://audius.co/gazon Video : Pablo Mendez http://www.mendezpablo.net Wildweed productionshttps://vimeo.com/showcase/wildweedproductions
I made my first 5” DIY record cut with a track named “traces”. Not perfect but I really like this rough sound and this Lofi analog saturation. It’s also really fun to do⚡️You can listen this one and the original on my new Audius channel : www.audius.co/gazon More tracks will be added exclusively on it…
Following a spontaneous discussion with photographer and videographer Mustapha Mezmizi, we immediately wanted to record improvised audiovisuals sessions in various inspiring and unusual places with portable equipment. This first AD LIB video was recorded in a single take in a wood on the edge of the Hautes Fagnes (Belgium).Music : Xavier Gazon “caosg” (2020)Visual :…
The Mask Control is death, chaos is life. MAKE DYSTOPIA GREAT AGAIN ! Technical info : It’s a circuit bending voice transformer for kids mounted into 3D Print mask with potentiometer to change audio sample rate manually and some pushbuttons to change mode (vocoder/vibrato) and pitch (up/down).
Another experiment with my modular and sensors connected to plants to generate music playing.
GIRAA is my first sound art sculpture with tape cassette.Cycles of eternal return (amor fati) are the same and always different.Outside myth of Progress, time and directions are opposed at the same moment.
Pickup machines is a collection of hybrid lowtech upcycled instruments that combines electroacoustic vibrations and digital and mechanical control to creates textures, beats and melodies outside natural elements. Installation and demonstration of two pickup machines coupled with eurorack modular synth for some fx and filtering treatments. Xavier Gazon
Chromatic is a circular sequencer that transforms colors as musical notes.Sequences speed can be change by potentiometer, direction by a switch and you can manually changes color sequences with the finger lever along the turntable. It uses Teensy micro controller and color/distance sensor to convert color in MIDI notes.One sensor was also added to detect…